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HMNZS Scarba

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HMNZS Scarba
7 February 1944, five Fairmile ‘B’ Class patrol craft ML 401-404 and 406 departed Auckland for the Solomon Islands. They travelled via Whangaroa Harbour (to top up fuel), Norfolk Island, Noumea, Espiritu Santo before reaching their destination at Renard Sound in the Russell Islands.
The first group of four Fairmiles had already departed in January. The Fairmiles were organised into two six-craft flotillas the 80th ML (Motor Launch) and 81st ML under the operational control of the US Navy. The launches were used for anti-submarine patrols off Guadacanal, Tulagi and the Russell Islands. Additional duties included escorting vessels.
The minesweeper HMNZS Scarba (background) escorted the Fairmiles as far as Noumea.
HMNZS Scarba – Lt CDR Finch and Lt Blair and Tabs the Cat

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