Gray Harbour Ship Building Co – Aberdeen, Grays Harbour – Washington – (Contract Number D.A.N.O.B.S. 587)
The four built by this Company were shipped to Auckland N.Z. from Vancouver on the Mt Robson Park. They were Q1191, Q1192, Q1193, Q1194. They arrived in Auckland on the 25th August 1843, all these craft were commissioned together on the 28th September 1943
Sixteen H.D.M.L purchased in the United States on lend Lease were commissioned between the 9th March 1943 and 27 March 1944.
They were grouped and operated as the 124th and 125th Flotillas. The 124th based in Auckland and the 125th at Wellington.

From the archive: Image taken at Devonport Naval Base during WW2 shows a group of Harbour Defence Motor Launches (HDML) with HMNZS Philomel she was used as a patrol launch base from late 1942 to 1945.
L-R: Q1184 – HMNZS Paea, Q1194 – HMNZS Ngapona, Q1192 – HMNZS Maroro, Q1193 – HMNZS Tamure, HMNZS Philomel
These 72Ft craft were equipped with Depth Charges and were to maintain Anti-Submarine inside the Mine Fields and Indicator Loops
The 124th Flotilla patrolled the Anti-Submarine fixed defenses in Auckland which were commissioned as EMU and PUNA.
Emu Anti-Submarine Fixed Defence Station was situated on Motutapu Island in the approaches to Auckland and administered by the Commanding Officer H.M.N.Z. S. PHILOMEL.
PUNA Anti-Submarine Fixed Defence Station was situated at Takapuna Head, Auckland and was also administered by the Commanding Officer H.M.N.Z. S. PHILOMEL
Because of the late commissioning of the Anti-Submarine Fixed Defenses at Worser Bay, the following H.D.M.L. were sailed to Auckland from Wellington on the 16th May 1943 via Gisborne, arriving in Auckland on the 20th May 1943.

Q1192 Maroro P3554 and Q1193 Tamure P3555 in Gisborne, coming from Wellington and heading to Auckland
Q1183, Q1184, Q1185, Q1186, Q1187 were the Five designated and they joined up with Q1191, Q1192, Q1193, Q1194, thus collectively making up the 124th Flotilla.
By December 1945 all 16 H.D.M.L. were in Auckland paying off and were subsequently laid up at the Greenhithe Trot, until the Lend Lease transactions were settled.
Ten H.D.M.L. retained by the R.N.Z.N. were,
Q1183, Q1184, Q1188, Q1190, Q1191, Q1192, Q1193, Q1194, Q1348, Q1350
By 1964 H.M.N.Z, S. TAMAKI on Motuihe Island had closed down and relocated to Ft. CAUTLEY, Devonport. This shift made the Three Tamaki Trams surplus to requirements. Two of these S.D.M.L. were selected for fitting out as Fisheries Protection Vessels. They were Q1349, P3565 and Q1192, P3554.
Q1192, P3554 was commissioned H.M.N.Z.S. MARORO (Flying Fish)
QII83 P3551 H.M.N.Z.S. MAKO
QII84 P3552 H.M.N.Z.S. PAEA
QII85 P3567 H.M.N.Z.S. MANGA
QI349 P3565 H.M.N.Z.S. HAKU

Q1191 Kahawai I (P3553) – Q1192 Maroro (P3554) – Q1349 Haku (P3565) – Q1183 Mako (P3551)
Left RNZN 1972. Went to Fiji as Viti 1972. Wrecked near Lautoka 1982